Sv. Marija

U novu 2024. godinu Amas bijoux ulazi sa mnogo noviteta i zanimljivosti.
Amas je brand koji je poznat po svojim rozetama, te je upravo nova rozeta nastavila pretpoznatljivi stil kao spoj tradicije i minimalizma.
Radi se o novoj prekrasnoj rozeti Sv. Marije a inspiracija je pronađena na istoimenoj crkvi na Poluotoku u Zadru.
Ženski benediktinski samostan sv.Marije nalazi se uz crkvu, te datira čak iz 1066. godine.

Kampanju je fotografirao poznati fotograf Toni Opačić koji je igrom svjetla i sjene uhvatio ljepotu nakita. Nakit je izrađen od 925 srebra sa pozlatom, a Sv.Marija dostupna je u obliku narukvica, ogrlica i naušnica.

Entering the new year 2024, Amas bijoux introduces numerous novelties and interesting additions. The brand, known for its rosettes, continues its distinctive style with a new rosette that combines tradition and minimalism. The inspiration comes from the beautiful rosette of St. Mary found on the church of the same name on the Zadar Peninsula. The female Benedictine monastery of St. Mary, located next to the church, dates back to 1066.

The campaign was photographed by the renowned photographer Toni Opačić, who skillfully captured the beauty of the jewelry through light and shadow. The St. Mary collection is crafted from 925 silver with gilding and is available in the form of bracelets, necklaces, and earrings.

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